Jason has never really liked it when I wear perfume, lotion, body spray, etc. I've tried sweet smells, spicy smells, and musky smells, hoping that I'd find something that we both like. We've been married 7 1/2 years and I still haven't found any scents that he likes on me. He is very much a natural guy and loves it when I am make-up and fuss-free. For Christmas my sister gave me some shower gel and lotion from Bath and Body Works. It is the Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent from their aromatherapy line. When I tried it on for the first time I liked it but thought it smelled a little masculine and said as much to Jason when I asked for his opinion of it. He said that he didn't think it smelled masculine and that HE ACTUALLY LIKED IT! When he told me this he had a silly smirk on his face that made me think that something more was going on. I asked him what he was smiling about and he wouldn't tell me. I persisted and he finally told me that he thought "it smells old ladyish"--but get this--"in a good way". HA! It sounds so funny but I knew exactly what he meant. There is a particular smell that my paternal grandparents have that is one of my favorite smells and whenever I smell it it makes me think of them. We had a good laugh and every time that I've used it since then I think about him telling me that I smell like an old lady and it cracks me up again.
The "jam" part of this post is just an excuse to show cute pictures from my two youngest children from this afternoon while the older girls were at school.
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